Lưu trữ Danh mục: Cochrane nhi khoa

Acetylcysteine and carbocysteine for acute upper and lower respiratory tract infections in paediatric patients without chronic broncho-pulmonary disease

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jan 21;(1):CD003124. Duijvestijn YC, Mourdi N, Smucny J, Pons G, Chalumeau M. Source: Department of [...]

Prophylactic drug management for febrile seizures in children

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Apr 18;4:CD003031. Offringa M, Newton R. Source: ChildHealth Evaluative Sciences, Hospital for [...]

Zinc as adjunct treatment in infants aged between 7 and 120 days with probable serious bacterial infection: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Lancet. 2012 Jun 2;379(9831):2072-8. Bhatnagar S, Wadhwa N, Aneja S, Lodha R, Kabra SK, Natchu UC, Sommerfelt H, Dutta AK, Chandra J, Rath B,Sharma M, Sharma [...]

Corticosteroids for treating hypotension in preterm infants

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Dec 7;(12):CD003662.  Ibrahim H, Sinha IP, Subhedar NV.  Source: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Liverpool [...]

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth: a meta-analysis

Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Nov;92(5):1120-32. Epub 2010 Sep 15. Maslova E, Bhattacharya S, Lin SW, Michels KB. Source:Department [...]

Systematic review and meta-analysis of preterm birth and later systolic blood pressure

Hypertension. 2012 Feb;59(2):226-34. Epub 2011 Dec 12. de Jong F, Monuteaux MC, van Elburg RM, Gillman MW, Belfort MB. Source: Division of [...]

Transfusion associated necrotizing enterocolitis: a meta-analysis of observational data

Pediatrics. 2012 Mar;129(3):529-40. Epub 2012 Feb 20. Mohamed A, Shah PS. Source: Department of Pediatrics,Mount SinaiHospital,Toronto,Canada.

Lansoprazole for children with poorly controlled asthma: a randomized controlled trial

JAMA. 2012 Jan 25;307(4):373-81. Writing Committee for the American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers, Holbrook JT, Wise [...]

Birth prevalence of congenital heart disease worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011 Nov 15;58(21):2241-7. van der Linde D, Konings EE, Slager MA, Witsenburg M, Helbing WA, Takkenberg JJ, Roos-Hesselink [...]

Longchain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infants born at term

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Dec 7;12:CD000376. Simmer K, Patole SK, Rao SC. Source: Neonatal Care Unit,KingEdwardMemorialHospitalfor Women [...]


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